8 years old as March 2019
Raffa is a lovely boy, who can be a bit standoffish with strangers to begin with – he tends to bark which doesn’t show him off in the best light. However, show him a lead and he’ll love you forever! He loves to be out and about, exploring the world outside the shelter, so he’d make the ideal hiking buddy, despite his advancing years.
He came to the shelter with Rachel (adopted), Cambu and Alfie (adopted), who he still shares a kennel with. They all came from another shelter and have never had a home of their own which is heartbreaking and means he may take a while to adapt to living in a real home, but we’re certain he’ll make a great pet once he’s used to his new life in the lap of luxury.
We'd all love for Raffa to go to a home soon where he can happily live out the many years he has left in him!