Every adoption is a success story in our books, but if we put all the dogs we've rehomed on this page it would be miles long! So, here are a few of the most memorable ones...

Long termer, Melody, enjoying snow in Toronto!

After years at the shelter, Buddy finally got to go live with his favorite human, volunteer Renee, in Thailand!

Megan went into foster during Typhoon Mangkhut. She was such a nervous dog that she had to be carried out of the shelter in a crate. It took months of love and patience, but her foster family managed to gain Megan's trust and decided to keep her! She is now a much loved member of the family and is like a completely different dog. It just goes to show what a difference having a home makes.
*UPDATE* A year later and Megan's brother, Harry, has now been adopted with her!

Lucky siblings, Rosie and Blocky, were adopted together!

Adopted seperatly, pals Peggy and Toby still meet up at Cyberport Dog Park to play.

Although adopted separately, the 'Blonde Squad' still met up to celebrate their first birthday on the beach!

This little lad was found in a work yard and kindly cared for by the workmen, who fed him and made him a kennel, until he could be rescued. He was immediatly adopted!

It's lovely when mothers get to stay with their pups, which happened with both these ex-breeder dogs and their sons. Lucy and Alfie, left. Bella and Nansen, right.

Diesel came into our care after being hit by a car as a pup. His recovery was tough and he'll always have a limp, but the lovely foster family who helped nurse him back to health fell in love and later adopted him! Diesel's humans have since adopted another special needs pup from us, Memphis, so now Diesel has a buddy to play with!

This adorable chap, Barney, was born with only one eye and a cleft palate, however, his adoptive family saw past that to what an amazing dog he is.

Poppy came to the shelter with her four pups. So often the pups get adopted (which they did!) but the mum is left. Not this time! A lovely family took Poppy and she is now very, very loved!

With all that fur, it was impossible for Watson (black) to stay at the shelter in the summer heat with no AC, so his brother, Maximus', family offered to foster him. In the end Maximus and Watson (now Sam) made such a good pair that the family decided to keep both!

Lewis came to us after having been severely neglected. He was immediately fostered and shortly after adopted, and is now thriving! See the difference a few months and some love can make - he's almost unrecognisable!

It's always a worry that our shyer pups won't get adopted, especially once they are past the 6 month stage, however, Chloe (light tan) was very lucky to go into foster with a lovely couple who previously adopted Nacho from us. During foster she gained confidence and charmed the family into keeping her! It's lovely to see our shyer dogs coming out of their shells! Nacho and Chloe's owners also happen to be the founders of Buddy Bites, a dog food company that helps to feed shelter dogs here in HK!

Teddy, adopted from us as a pup, now enjoying his best life in Sweden!

Maya enjoying snow in Japan with her family!

So many of our pups have been lucky enough to go into foster whilst the world is on lockdown due to the Corona Virus. For an extra lucky few this has ended in foster fail, meaning they will be staying with their foster families permanently! This is the case for Dancer (now Rey), who joins Leia, another Sharpai mix adopted from us a few years ago!

So this is definitely a success story! Willow was actually born at the shelter and, while all her siblings were adopted, Willow somehow got passed over despite her amazing personality and ended up staying with us for four years. However, after spending time in foster with an amazing family during the Covid-19 crisis, Willow is now staying with her foster family permanently.

Two lovely dogs adopted from us! Brooklyn (Bermese Mountain Dog) was adopted in 2018, then her owners decided to foster Raisin in 2020, since she was very timid and was getting bullied at the shelter. Brooklyn decided she couldn't get on without her new sister, so now Raisin is adopted!

Dallas enjoying his life in Portugal!

Lucy became some what of a celebrity in Hong Kong after disappearing from her foster home shortly after being rescued from a construction site. She was gone for days and there were so many people out looking for her despite terrible storms. Luckily, she was found thanks to all the amazing people out searching and has now been adopted into a loving home.

Nala loving life in the UK! Open fields to run through are the best!

Lola is another dog who became a bit of a celebrity here in Hong Kong. She was dumped by breeders when she got Parvo, along with another pup who sadly didn't make it. So many people followed Lola's recovery on FB and were rooting for her to pull through and she had no shortage of people wanting to adopt her once she recovered!

After her puppies were all adopted, lovely Honey went on to find her forever home with none other than Catherine, the founder of Catherine's Puppies!