1 year as of March 2019
Pretty Sammie has definitely had a touch time of it in her short life. She originally came to Catherine’s Puppies as a pup with her litter, including her brother, Guinness. She was adopted, however, was returned due to her owners failing health, which was heartbreaking both for her owner who loved her very much and for Sammie who was very attached to her owner. Used to being a home, being back at the shelter is hard for Sammie and although she has settled reasonably well, being in this environment hasn't been great for her behaviour.
She is a very affectionate girl, who loves a fuss but is very high energy and can sometimes be a little over the top, however, with a bit of training and regular walks and stimulation this would decrease. She is generally good with other dogs, but seems to love irritating them and does cause mischief!
Sammie is still very young and definitely needs some training and would probably benefit from being the only dog in the home, at least until she’s been taught how to behave politely with others, but she’d definitely be a great pet and a very loyal companion; she really is just desperate to be loved and to have a human of her own.